Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Backyard Bio

I really should have something interesting or clever to write here. But I don't. So you get pictures instead.

A rose by any other name... will still stab the crap out of you if you aren't careful.

This guy has been hanging around lately. My mother has christened him Paco.

Until, um, whenever.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh, hey internet. Fancy meeting you here.

If you're reading this, you either got to this site by accident and will soon be clicking away to another part of cyberspace, or you are just as bored as I am. If the latter is the case, then hopefully this blog will be able to keep us both entertained, at least for a few minutes.

I suppose a brief introduction is in order. My name is Kai. (Well, not legally, but for the purpose of this blog it is. I prefer to keep some degree of anonymity, and really, for all I know, if you didn't get this link from me, you could be some kind of creeper. Besides, it's a cool name, right?) I'm home from my first year of college for the summer, and in need of something to keep me amused. A few weeks ago I was bemoaning to a friend the fact that I would probably go stir-crazy within a week of returning home, and he suggested that I start a photo blog. So he's the one you can blame for setting me loose upon the internet.

Anyway, basically I am going to attempt to photo document parts of my home town and various other places I may travel to in an effort to avoid sitting on the couch and staring at a wall all summer. Or the TV. Or the computer. Whatever, you get the idea.

So stick around. Things could get interesting. I mean, they probably won't, but hey, you never know. Stranger things have happened.
