Friday, July 16, 2010

Walking with the boys

There's a nature preserve not far from my house. It used to be military property, and was apparently a lookout point during World War II, but now it's public property and a pretty good place to go if you want to enjoy a mild hike and a view of the ocean.

I usually take the boys for walks there, although it now occurs to me that I have not yet introduced the boys to you, internet. So, here they are. In the interest of privacy, they get code names. The yellow lab is Joey (like the winner of this year's Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest) and the handsome stripey fellow is Rex, as in Tyrannosaurus Rex. I figure that these are appropriate, since Joey is a total chow hound and people who are not me seem to think that Rex is rather large.

There is a decent amount of foot traffic on the trails.

Also, snails.

Until whenever,


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